


Reece 10月多诺万的野蛮人丽莎•斯科特何塞·曼努埃尔·桑切斯-马丁内斯

里斯·十月的肖像Reece 10月


建立社区 & 找到个性

十大网赌正规平台的校训是“从这里开始,到任何地方”!" But 2023's commencement speaker Reece 10月's 十大网赌正规平台 journey began more than 10,离伊丽莎白港“这里”有1000英里, 南非, 只需在谷歌上搜索一下美国大学. 

Determined to break free from the prescribed norms of her high school and explore the world beyond her collectivist home country, 她寻求一个出国留学的机会. 十大网赌正规平台出现在最热门的搜索结果之一, 里斯大胆地联系了瑞秋·伍德, 巴特的国际学生协调员, 询问全国十大赌博官网过程. This initial step led her on a transformative path across geographical boundaries and cultural barriers.

反思她在十大网赌正规平台的经历, 莉丝股, “我在高中的时候旅行过, 那时我开始思考, ‘嘿, 南非以外的生活是什么样的?“我想脱离集体主义社会,找出里斯是谁... 在我的高中, 一切都必须如此, 你得穿制服, 你的头发必须是特定的, 你的指甲需要修剪. 没有个人表达的空间." Her journey to 十大网赌正规平台 became an opportunity for self-discovery and personal growth beyond the classroom.

One of the pivotal moments in Reece's journey was her involvement in 十大网赌正规平台's identity-based centers, 她在哪里当学生助理. 这些中心, 哪些庆祝多样性和包容性, 成为了里斯个人成长的催化剂. 她解释说:“我以前从未见过这样的东西. 在这些中心,我了解了其他人,扩展了我的知识,看到了社区." These spaces provided her with a sense of belonging and taught her to strike a balance between her 社区-based upbringing and her newfound individuality. 里斯强调社区和包容的重要性,并说, "十大网赌正规平台's commitment to practicing inclusivity is what made being an international student feel a lot less scary and a lot more like home." 

里斯感谢在她的旅程中发挥了重要作用的教职员工. 她说, "十大网赌正规平台 faculty encouraged me by providing her with professional development and training, 鼓励她走出自己的壳." The guidance and support she received helped her build confidence and create a sense of family on campus.

里斯的演讲呼应了Ubuntu的价值观, 来自南非的恩古尼·班图语强调同情心, 尊严, 和社区. 她分享了她的自我发现之旅, 强调教育的重要性, 社区, 拥抱自己独特的道路. 通过她的故事, 里斯提醒她的同龄人教育的变革力量, 敦促他们拥抱人类经历的多样性,并相互授权.

毕业后, Reece will transfer to Saint Peter's University in New Jersey to pursue an accelerated master's program in industrial-organizational psychology. She hopes to work as a behavioral analyst and pursue a doctoral degree in industrial-organizational psychology to become a board-certified behavioral analyst. 




高中毕业后,多诺万·萨维奇心中有一个目标,并计划实现它. 他的目标是进入加州大学伯克利分校哈斯商学院学习. To get there, the Alturas, California, native knew he had to have a competitive application.

“我在高中时没有取得应有的成绩,”他回忆说. "I knew 十大网赌正规平台 had a strong transfer rate into the UC system and that I would have a higher chance of being accepted into Berkeley as a transfer student." Donovan enrolled at 十大网赌正规平台 in the fall of 2021 and began working towards his associate degree in business administration.

他回忆起早年在一次代数考试中得了C时遇到的障碍. 而不是被吓倒, he said the experience was a wake-up call and a motivation to study harder and apply himself. 今年春天,多诺万将以4分的成绩毕业.0-grade point average and an acceptance letter to UC Berkeley's Haas School of 业务, 在其他著名的四年制学校中.

反思来自十大网赌正规平台教职员工的支持, 多诺万说,他们帮助他坚持到底,达到了他的最终目标. He credits transfer counselor Doug Minton with helping him map his course schedule to meet the transfer requirements for a UC and his Phi Theta Kappa advisor Brian Donnelly with making sure he had a competitive application.

他说:“学院的座右铭是‘从这里开始,到任何地方’。. "If you set goals, stay focused and remember why you're here, there's nothing you can't achieve.多诺万今年秋天将转到加州大学伯克利分校攻读学士学位. 他希望成为一家金融机构的分析师.




“生活并不总是对我好," reflects 丽莎•斯科特 as she looks back on her challenging journey to reach her current position. “但我看看我所处的位置和我所取得的成就,我知道我做到了."

At 61, 长期从事社会服务工作, 丽莎最近获得了社会与行为科学的副学士学位, opening up a new opportunity for her as a manager at Alliance for Workforce Development.

Lisa's 十大网赌正规平台 journey began in 1998 when she was required to take early childhood education courses for her job at Glenn County Head Start. “我从来不认为自己是‘上大学的料’,”她承认. “但这些早期课程令人鼓舞." She continued taking additional courses beyond her employer's requirements until she got to her GE math class. “那还不如是外语呢,”她惊叫道. 由于受到这种情况的影响,她需要把精力集中在事业和家庭上,于是她不再去上学了.

在接下来的二十年里, Lisa returned to 十大网赌正规平台 multiple times while juggling single motherhood and a series of jobs advocating for children, 培养青年, 以及寻求职业发展的成年人. “每次到了我需要上数学课的学期, 我会找个理由离开.“在这段时间里, 她与Nip Boyes分享了她的经历, 他是十大网赌正规平台前卫生服务助理主任, 是谁鼓励她去参观残疾学生项目和服务办公室的. “这是一个转折点,”她回忆道. “我被诊断出患有注意力缺陷多动症,并得到了适当的支持以取得成功.她回忆说,第一次数学考试得了B时,她哭了.

In 2018, one semester away from completing an associate degree for transfers and transferring to Chico State, Lisa was given an opportunity to move into a lead role working with survivors of the Camp Fire. “我不得不接受,”她说. “我需要帮助这个群体.她再一次搁置了学业. 丽莎在没有获得学位的情况下,已经在事业上尽了最大努力. 当一个管理职位空缺时, 尽管她没有学位,但她有必要的经验和专业知识. She convinced herself to speak with a 十大网赌正规平台 counselor to review her coursework and was surprised to learn that the courses she had taken, 她认为这些仅仅是“大学课程的皮毛”," fulfilled the requirements for an associate degree in social and behavioral sciences. 有了这些知识,她申请了毕业和经理的职位.

她总结道:“我想让别人知道,年龄并不重要。. “如果你足够渴望并愿意为之努力,你就能实现你的目标."


2023 拉丁裔毕业学生演讲嘉宾,


"My parents constantly reminded me that I was delving into a territory they had no knowledge of. 他们会帮助我的每一步,但他们没有给我答案." 何塞·曼努埃尔·桑切斯-马丁内斯's experience represents that of many Latinx and first-generation students who navigate the college system without the guidance of generational experience.

他的旅程始于2021年秋天,高中毕业后不久. 今年春天, he graduated with honors and will soon transfer to UC Davis to pursue his bachelor's degree in political science. 他的目标是在获得学士学位后进入法学院.

回忆他在十大网赌正规平台的时光, 何塞共享, “我高中一毕业就加入了十大网赌正规平台. 我对自己想做什么有个大概的想法,但不是很确定... 我们有机会成为任何东西.有时候,这个范围太大了."

“在十大网赌正规平台任教似乎是一项艰巨的任务,”他接着说. “有数百间教室, 几十栋楼和五个停车场, 很容易失去你的位置. 最初的几个星期,我紧紧地抓着地图不放. More daunting than physically navigating, however, is mentally navigating the college system." Jose found support in the College's abundance of resources and extracurricular activities. 如果你感到困惑或有问题, there is someone on campus who can help answer your question or point you in the right direction."

十大网赌正规平台,乔斯积极参与校园生活的各个方面. 他沉浸在课外活动中, 认识到他们有潜力提升他的大学经历. “课外活动是我从时间中找到最大成就感的地方.他参与的最有影响力的活动之一是演讲和辩论队. “加入演讲和辩论队让我有机会走遍全国, 遇见了不起的人,赢得闪亮的奖杯, 同时练习我的批判性沟通技巧."

“除了他令人印象深刻的比赛记录, 何塞表现出非凡的领导才能,他的教练补充道, 山南地区Troxel-Andreas. "Helping new students, workshopping creative ideas and volunteering whenever a need arose."

他的精彩表演曾多次出现在演讲和校园活动中. 此外, Jose played an instrumental role as a key organizer for the Northern California Truck Club, 展示了他倡导事业和团结他人的能力.

何塞在十大网赌正规平台的旅程即将结束, 他反思自己的动机, 说, “我妈妈的梦想是接受高等教育, 但鉴于她的情况, 这是不可能的... 我知道我的许多同学都有同感. 所以我才这么努力地来到这里, 站在成绩同样优异的学生中间, 如果不是更多的话, 和我们在一起." These words underscore Jose's appreciation for the sacrifices made by his parents and his dedication to creating opportunities for himself and others.

何塞·桑切斯-马丁内斯是一个坚定的榜样, 适应力和在陌生环境中拥抱机遇的力量. 他正准备开始他在加州大学戴维斯分校学术之旅的下一个篇章, he will undoubtedly continue to make a lasting impact and inspire those around him with his unwavering pursuit of excellence.





